Bookish Posts

WWW Wednesday #4: 29th January 2020

Hello everyone, As university started this week, I am having a hard time keeping up with my reading. Even after planning my week for reading, I have not been able to read much. Nonetheless, I am going to do my fourth WWW Wednesday post. This meme is hosted by Taking on a World of Words and… Continue reading WWW Wednesday #4: 29th January 2020

Bookish Posts

WWW Wednesday #3: 22nd January 2020

Hello everyone, This post is going to be better than the last one and I am sure of that because I have been reading a young adult dystopian trilogy. I couldn't stick with non-fiction alone, I can never do it, so I continued with reading that trilogy, and you'll find out more about it through… Continue reading WWW Wednesday #3: 22nd January 2020